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Top 8 Things to Look For When Buying a New HVAC System

August 22, 2023
HVAC system

Having the right HVAC system that fits your building needs comes with immeasurable benefits. It enhances your productivity, boosts health and wellness, and gives you peace of mind in your abode.

Whether you're looking to upgrade an old HVAC or you're a new homeowner purchasing your first system, knowing what to look for can help guide your selection process. With the limitless HVAC system options available in the market today, it's easy to get confused and make the wrong choice.

At RNX, we understand all the challenges around buying a new system. That's why we've culled out the top 8 things to look for when buying a new HVAC system in this article.

Top 8 Considerations When Buying a New HVAC

1. System Efficiency

Efficiency is one crucial factor that affects the cost of running your heating and cooling system. You want to avoid purchasing any system that sucks much energy as they're expensive to run and can quickly become burdensome.

Instead, you should go for a high-efficiency HVAC since these brands consume less energy while performing way better than typical standard systems. To identify high-efficiency units, look at their SEER rating. High-efficiency HVACs have a SEER rating of 13 and above.

2. Consider Your Space

When buying an HVAC, it's essential to consider the space where the device will be used. Buying a unit designed for a small space in a large home means:

  • inadequate heating or cooling, causing discomfort
  • overworking, which leads to quick wear-and-tear
  • and spending more on maintenance

Also, buying a unit designed for large spaces in a small home means you'd be consuming so much energy to heat/cool your small space, making your unit less efficient. Plus, you may experience frequent start and stop, which will equally cause abnormal wear and tear.

The proper way around this is to select a system that fits your home space for optimal performance. If you're unsure about the size you need, a qualified technician like RNX can recommend a suitable solution after evaluating your space. Also, you can read our guide on choosing the right size HVAC system here.

3. Maintenance Plans

Without proper maintenance, the lifespan and efficiency of your unit will be cut short. That said, the maintenance costs for different HVAC types and brands vary.

That's why it's crucial to know the average maintenance plans for your proposed system to ensure you aren't going for a device you wouldn't be able to maintain effectively. You may need to ask a professional HVAC contractor about maintenance plans for your proposed unit before deciding whether or not it's worth buying.

4. What's Your Budget?

Let's face it. Regardless of how attractive an item is, it's difficult to buy it when it's over our budget. An AC unit isn't the only need you'd be spending on. Hence it's crucial to budget your expenses and determine how much you're willing to pay for your air conditioning system.

Knowing your budget also helps you know in which direction to look, thus saving you time and effort. You don't want to spend several hours searching for the ideal unit only to end up getting frustrated by its price.

5. Warranty

New HVACs come with warranties that help buyers cover the cost of the equipment repair and/or replacement within a specified period. The terms and conditions of the warranty are typically stated by the manufacturer, and it's important to know what your warranty covers before making your HVAC investment.

This way, you'd know the best way to tackle faults that develop within the warranty duration. Plus, it saves you from unnecessary repair costs for the duration of your warranty.

6. Permit Requirements

Setting up an HVAC is a major home installation that needs a permit and inspection. With a permit, you can avoid issues related to safety and feel at ease knowing that the installation is up to code.

Skipping permits and inspections can pose a great risk to you and your family as errors in installation will likely not be detected, if any. Some installation errors can cause HVACs to blow up, and others may lead to carbon monoxide leaks.

Check your local building department for installation requirements when buying your furnace to ensure you remain compliant with the law.

7. Check For Reviews

Reviews are an excellent way to get an idea of the quality of your proposed HVAC unit. When you find a product or brand that piques your interest, one way to see how well it'd perform is by looking up reviews online.

You get to see comments from previous buyers and their experiences with the product. If most people complain about one thing or another, there's a chance you may encounter the same challenge. However, if most buyers express satisfaction and have positive comments about the product, it's a sign that you're about to make a good decision.

8. Your Ideal HVAC partner

Another vital aspect of purchasing a furnace is determining who the ideal contractor for you will be. You should understand that a contractor's job doesn't end at the unit installation phase. Contractors also help with routine maintenance and attend to any repair work you may need over the years.

As a result, you should choose a professional and experienced technician to work with to ensure you get the best service. Also, the right HVAC partner for you should be understanding, friendly, easy to work with, and efficient– like the ones at RNX.

a black and white photo of a clock on a building

There you go! The 8 important things to look for when buying a new HVAC system. If you're in the Coachella Valley or its environs and you need to purchase a new HVAC unit or upgrade an old one, RNX can help you through each step of the process.

From home/office space evaluation to unit recommendation and installation, we have the expertise and resources to help you get the best for your financial investment.

Have any questions or concerns about HVACs? We're at your service!

Contact us today at or call 760-347-8033.